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With a single year of data, trend_calendar() will plot data in a conventional calendar format, i.e., by month and day of the week. With multiple years of data, a year-month matrix of panels will instead be plotted. Daily statistics are calculated using time_average(), which by default will calculate the daily mean concentration.


  statistic = "mean",
  data_thresh = 0,
  border_colour = "white",
  w_shift = 0



A data frame minimally containing date and at least one other numeric variable. The date should be in either Date format or class POSIXct.


Mandatory. A pollutant name corresponding to a variable in a data frame should be supplied e.g. pollutant = "nox".


Statistic passed to time_average().


Data capture threshold passed to time_average(). For example, data_thresh = 75 means that at least 75\ be available in a day for the value to be calculate, else the data is removed.


The colour to use for the border of each tile. Defaults to "white". NA removes the border.


Controls the order of the days of the week. By default the plot shows Saturday first (w_shift = 0). To change this so that it starts on a Monday for example, set w_shift = 2, and so on.


trend_calendar() has two accompanying annotation functions. annotate_calendar_text() can write either the day of the month or the average pollutant concentration on the calendar. annotate_calendar_wd() will draw wind speed and direction arrows onto the calendar, assuming columns labelled "ws" and "wd" were present in the original data.

Note that is is possible to pre-calculate concentrations in some way before passing the data to trend_calendar(). For example openair::rollingMean() could be used to calculate rolling 8-hour mean concentrations. The data can then be passed to trend_calendar() and statistic = "max" chosen, which will plot maximum daily 8-hour mean concentrations.

See also

annotate_calendar_wd() and annotate_calendar_text() for annotating calendar plots.

Other time series and trend functions: trend_level(), trend_prop(), trend_variation()


if (FALSE) {
marylebone %>%
  selectByDate(year = 2019) %>%
  trend_calendar("nox") +
  annotate_calendar_text(colour = "white", size = 5, type = "date") +
  annotate_calendar_wd(colour = "black")