Hourly Air Quality and Met Data for Marylebone Road, London
marylebone contains hourly pollutant concentrations for five air quality
species, as well as modelled wind speed, wind direction and air temperature.
This data frame is in an appropriate structure for use in ggopenair
, and
can act as a template for users wanting to use their own data.
A data frame with 52,608 rows and 9 variables:
- date
Observation date/time stamp in the POSIXct time format.
- ws
Wind speed, in m/s.
- wd
Wind direction, in degrees from North.
- air_temp
Air temperature, in degrees Celcius.
- nox, no2, o3, pm2.5, pm10
Pollutant concentrations in ug/m3.
These data were obtained from AURN site "my1" using